10 Oct Cherry blossom
The art of inspiration. People always think they can change by motivating themselves. There’s various ways to do that of course, You can get really annoyed and pissed of with yourself and bully your way to the desired end result or you can go the scare yourself and motivate yourself into action by constantly envisioning nightmares you want to avoid. And then there’s shame… Us humans are really good at shaming ourselves to stay motivated…. The thing is shame is the lowest level of human consciousness. It is an extremely powerful way to disempower yourself and stay stuck. If you shame yourself you minimise yourself, you compare yourself to others and stop seeing your own talents, gifts and potential. While shame, fear and bullying can work as motivation for a while, eventually this wears off. That’s why most of the New Years resolutions don’t work. It gets us in the lower vibes that are exhausting…. In order to keep moving we need to be inspired. The art of inspiration is what keeps us going, Just think about it close your eyes and feel the difference between motivation and inspiration. Feel how motivation can be passioned and fiery but needs to be fuelled to stay alive, where inspiration is just there, it is connected to your dreams, your visions, your hearts desires, what you value most in life. It is a steady source that is always there… That is why the art of inspiration is so important in my coaching. I want to connect people to the visions, dreams and hearts desires that inspire them, I want to connect them to their why, their mission and purpose that what fulfils them in a way that they want to continue creating and going next level. Inspiration doesn’t need to be fuelled it is who we are in our core, what we came here to do on this planet, the legacy we want to leave behind.
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